
You care about your child’s education and want them to reach their full potential. Here are some suggestions for ways to support their education from home:

  • Ask them what they did at school and check their backpack daily. Ask them to elaborate or make a connection to something you’ve done or learned before.


  • Check our website under “Latest News” and review their grade level’s weekly newsletter. You can also follow this link: https:

The grade level newsletters have information about what students are learning, such as vocabulary words, weekly reading concepts, current math topics, and much more. You can use this information to practice spelling words, pick up books at the library that relate to the week’s reading concept, or practice finding fun ways during the day to use the new vocabulary words.



  • Contact your child’s teacher to chat about how they are doing academically. Teachers are happy to give feedback, offer strategies, and send home helpful materials to work on at home.