

Hello Lincoln Parents/Guardians!

Do you wish there was someplace to connect with other parents who might be dealing with some of the same issues you are? Did you know we actually have a parent club that meets monthly here at Lincoln Elementary? 

Join us for our PTO meetings! Sometimes we talk about fundraising (our playground was a parent-built project!), sometimes we share ideas on helping inspire kids to read, what dress code should be, what activities we’d like to see, and just find a little support knowing that there are other parents figuring it all out too. Make a new friend, get more involved, meet some of our amazing teachers, and be a part of great things to come! Come to a meeting, get on our text list, volunteer, or just take comfort in knowing that you are part of a support network of parents, teachers, and staff that are here if you need us! LPAC meets monthly (the 1st Wednesday of each month), please join us!

Meetings: The first Wednesday of every month
Time: 3:15-4:15 pm
Where: Room K2

LPAC Chairman: Heidi Tubbs
Remind: text @lincolnlp to phone number 81010.

We’re using Remind to communicate! To get text messages from us just text @lincolnlp to phone number 81010. When you don’t want to hear from us anymore just reply @leave to a message!

Current Signups:

We’re trying to put all the parent help requests in an easy to find spot! This is a link where we’ll post current school signups for volunteers or other needs. Things like vision screening, field day, teacher appreciation meals, etc. will be posted here so you can sign up to help! Check back often, or better yet, get on the Remind list and we’ll send you a text/email when we post a new sign up. 

Remember that to volunteer in the school you do need to complete the District Volunteer Form found at